sorry,baru buka blog ane,,
langsung saja,buat anda-anda yang bosen dengan tampilan desktop yang gitu-gitu terus jangan khawatir,karena ane punya software yang bisa menyulap desktop anda jadi keren,,software ini namanya Winstep Xtreme,nah kelebihan software ini yaitu kita ga perlu registrasi buat full versionnya,jadi jangan khawatir klo software ini bukan software trial..
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
fitur yang ada di Winstep Xtreme antara lain:
* Updated Korean language file.
* Updated German language file.
* Updated Hungarian language file.
* Updated Polish language file.
* Added 'Show this dock when the mouse pointer bumps screen edge' setting to the Behavior tab of the Dock Properties dialog. When this setting is on, the dock will come forward when the associated edge is bumped but focus will be automatically given back to the window that previously had it if the user mouses away without clicking on it.
* Dock resizing and drag & drop of items into and from the dock is now much smoother.
* Added 'Disable/Enable Auto-Hide' option to the Shelf's left mini-tab context menu.
* Cleaned up unused bitmaps in the resource file.
* Context menus now use the menu sub-theme, if available, rather than the primary theme.
* The Shelf now automatically selects appropriate tab position (top or bottom of the Shelf) when you dock it to the top or the bottom of the screen.
download disini
Izin download gan.
Gan, ada software untuk membuat dekstop lebih dinamis ndak ?
Oh ya gan, follow sukse no. 28 dengan gambar naruto atas nama dokunimus.
Thank you mas.
Mantap kang :D
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